What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga means union, or oneness and Nidra means sleep. The practical definition of Yoga Nidra is expanded awareness in a state of deep relaxation. We integrate ourselves with creation - universal nature.
"Yoga Nidra is the doorway to higher consciousness, "Dr. Swami Karmananda. Swami Rama says, "Yoga Nidra is a revitalizing exercise that gives total rest to the mind, brain, nervous system, senses, and body."
Brain states: Beta: 13-30 waves per second (active, awake)
Alpha: 8-13 waves per second (relaxation state with awareness)
Theta: 4-8 waves per second ( dream state, light sleep, deep relaxation, deep meditation)
Delta: 1-4 waves per second(deep sleep)
The more active the brain is, the higher frequency. During Yoga Nidra, your brain is in Alpha and Theta states.
Health Benefits of Yoga Nidra: Reduction in sympathetic nervous system activity, improved functioning of the immune system, lower blood pressure, slower heart rate, improved circulation, pain reduction, reduced inflammation, helps stabilize blood sugar, helps improve and stabilize mood.
Conditions that benefit most from Yoga Nidra: Metabolic disease; diabetes. Cardiac disease; hypertension, post heart attack care. Psychological disease; anxiety and depression. Chronic and Autoimmune disease; lymes disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis. systemic; lupus. Other conditions such as pain secondary to injuries and cancer, menopause. Yoga Nidra also helps children and people near the end of life.